Remediation and Engineering Services

From system remedial design to installation to onsite operations and management, our team has successfully completed numerous remediation projects ranging from cleaning up and conducting long-term monitoring of former gas stations and drycleaners to managing multimillion dollar Superfund sites. We use current standard of the industry approaches for cost estimating for design, implementation and O&M of remediation systems.

We have extensive experience investigating, analyzing, and implementing remedial action plans. We evaluate and recommend practical solutions to complex environmental issues based on the lowest risk and highest value for our clients. Many of our cleanup sites have received No Further Action letters from regulatory agencies.

Our professionals have a wide-range of experience and knowledge regarding industry standards, and local, state, and federal regulations in multiple states.

For our other Engineering Services, our team of experts understands the complexities regarding industrial permitting and regulatory issues, and has provided several Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plans (SPCC) for industrial facilities. We provide on-site assistance, during construction, ensuring our client’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) remain current. We perform regulatory reporting, required inspections, and implement system design and treatment without causing delays in projects.

Expertise includes:

  • Remedial Design
  • Remedial Action Cost Estimating
  • Disproportionate Cost Analysis (DCA)
  • Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
  • Bioremediation (In-Situ)
  • Chemical Oxidation
  • Groundwater Extraction and Treatment (Ex-Situ)
  • Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE)
  • Underground Storage Tank Removal and Remediation
  • Soil Excavation and Treatment
  • Environmental Construction Technical Oversight
  • Spill and Prevention/Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
  • NPDES Permits
  • Grading Permits