General Services Administration

GSA Contract NumberGS10F0061W

Geographic Coverage: National – United States & Territories

Expertise provided through the GSA Schedule:

  • Environmental Site Assessments
  • CERCLA Process Services
  • Hazardous Materials Management
  • Remediation Services

Toll Free: 1-844-529-KANE

Seattle & Tacoma, WA
(206) 691-0476

Phoenix, AZ
(602) 900-1713

​541620: Environmental Consulting

​Kane Environmental professionals have extensive experience providing environmental consulting services throughout the United States Puerto Rico. All our professionals are up-to-date with industry regulations and standards, as Environmental Consulting Services are the driving force of business for Kane Environmental.

Environmental Consulting Services
  • CERCLA Process Services:
    • Preliminary Assessment (PA)
    • Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP
    • Site Inspection (SI)
    • Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS)
    • Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA)
    • Risk Assessment
    • Remedial Design
  • Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
  • Brownfields Redevelopment
  • Remediation planning, management, design, oversight
  • Remedial Investigations for PFAS/PFOS
  • Soil and groundwater monitoring
  • Environmental Assessment (EA) preparation under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
  • Environmental program and project management
  • Economic, technical, and / or risk analysis
  • Compliance Services such as reviews, audits, and implementation / management of the Environmental Management System, and other compliance and contingency plans and performance measures
  • Permitting
  • Spill and Prevention/Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)
  • Pollution prevention surveys
  • Stormwater services (SWPPP; NPDES Permits)
  • Permitting
  • Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Services
  • Environmental construction oversight
  • Compliance monitoring
  • Vapor Intrusion Assessments
  • Air monitoring
  • Hazardous materials surveys and management plans – including demolition and decontamination (asbestos & lead-based paint)
  • Specification and QA/QC Oversight
  • Third Party technical reviews
  • Expert testimony
  • Agency representation for public hearings and meetings

562910REM: Remediation & Reclamation

​Kane Environmental has managed successful remediation of various mixed-use, commercial, and industrial properties throughout the United States. Our breadth of remediation services includes: site preparation, characterization, field investigation, and site closures; underground storage tanks / above-ground storage tanks removal actives; air monitoring; soil vapor extraction.

Remediation Services
  • Site preparation, characterization, field investigation, conservation, and closures
  • Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal
  • Air monitoring
  • Soil vapor extraction
  • Site characterization and investigation
  • Groundwater compliance monitoring – installation, development, and sampling of groundwater monitoring wells
  • Long-term groundwater monitoring
  • Soil and groundwater remediation – in-situ and ex-situ treatments
  • Remediation system design and installation
  • Remediation system operation and maintenance
  • Remediation cost-estimating
  • Phytoremediation
  • Bioremediation
  • Chemical oxidation
  • Green remediation system design and monitoring
  • Indoor air quality (asbestos, mold, and N.O.S. irritants)